Sunday, 8 June 2014

Library Guide

The "People Power" Education Superbook

Dewey Decimal System Basics

OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. owns the copyright rights to the Dewey Decimal Classification.

The Dewey Decimal System is used in most public libraries. You can find books about the Dewey Decimal System at #020 to #025 of your local library, Z665-Z710 of the Library of Congress system.

To find specific books, try the book Books In Print.

To find specific magazines, try a periodical directory like the Standard Periodical Directory or Ulrich's.

Books about how to do research in general are at #.001.42 or Q180.55 at the library.

The following list is an older list from before 1990 because, as far as I know, a company that bought the rights to a Dewey Decimal System guidebook started copyrighting the Dewey Decimal System in the 1990s (Forest Press owned by so they own all the rights to the current lists and I can't copy them even if it is for a noble reason like helping you people out there do your research.

The Dewey Decimal classification system is a nonfiction library book organization tool that is published by Forest Press which is a division of OCLC, the Online Computer Library Center.

The Dewey system is used by 95% of the libraries in the world. The Library of Congress system is rarely used outside of academic libraries on college campuses.

000 General Information.

001-009. General Knowledge.

010. Bibliographies Catalogs.

011. General bibliographies.

012. of individuals.

013. of specific classes of writers.

014. of anonymous and pseudonym works.

015. of works from specific places.

016. of works from specific subjects.

017. General subject catalogs.

018. General author catalogs.

019. General dictionary catalogs.

020. Library Science.

021. The library.

022. Physical part of libraries.

023. Library personnel an positions.

024. Regulations for use in libraries.

025. Library economy.

026. Special libraries.

027. General libraries.

028. Reading and reading aids.

029. Indexing and documentation.

030. General Encyclopedic Works.

031. American.

032. Other English language.

033. Germanic languages.

034. French, Provencal, Chatelaine.

035. Italian, Romanian, etc.

036. Spanish and Portuguese.

037. Slavic languages.

038. Scandinavian languages.

039. Other languages.

040. Unclassified.

050. General Periodicals.

051. American.

052. Other English language.

053. Germanic languages.

054. French, Provencal, Chatelaine.

055. Italian, Romanian, etc.

056. Spanish and Portuguese.

057. Slavic languages.

058. Scandinavian languages.

059. Other languages.

060. General Organizations.

061. In North America.

062. In the United Kingdom.

063. In Central Europe.

064. In France.

065. In Italy and area.

066. In Iberian Peninsula.

067. In Eastern Europe.

068. In other countries.

069. Museums.

070. Journalism, Publishing.

071. In North America.

072. In the United Kingdom.

073. In Central Europe.

074. In France.

075. In Italy and area.

076. In Iberian Peninsula.

077. In Eastern Europe.

078. In Scandinavia.

079. In other countries.

080. General Collections.

081. American.

082. Other English language.

083. Germanic languages.

084. French, Provencal, Chatelaine.

085. Italian, Romanian, etc.

086. Spanish and Portuguese.

087. Slavic languages.

088. Scandinavian languages.

089. Other languages.

090. Manuscripts Book Rarities.

091. Manuscripts.

092. Block books.

093. Incunabula.

094. Notable printing.

095. Notable binding.

096. Notable illustrations and materials.

097. Notable ownership and origin.

098. Notable content.

099. Notable format.

100. Philosophy Related Subjects

100. Philosophy.

101. Theory.

102. Miscellaneous.

103. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.

105. Serial publications.

106. Organizations.

107. Study and teaching.

108. Collections and anthologies.

109. Historical treatment.

110. Ontology Methodology.

111. Ontology.

112. Classification of knowledge.

113. Origin of the Universe.

114. Space.

115. Time, eternity.

116. Motion and change.

117. Matter and form.

118. Force and energy.

119. Number and quantity.

120. Other Metaphysical Topics.

121. Epistemology.

122. Cause and effect.

123. Freedom and necessity.

124. Teleology.

125. Finite and infinite.

126. Consciousness and personality.

127. Unconscious and subconscious.

128. Man.

129. Origin and destiny of soul.

130. Pseudo Parapsychology.

131. Pseudoparapsychology.

133. Parapsychology, occult.

135. Dreams and mysticism.

137. Personality analysis and self help.

138. Physiognomy.

139. Phrenology.

140. Specific Philosophical Viewpoints.

141. Idealism and related systems.

142. Critical philosophy.

143. Intutionism and Bergonism.

144. Humanism.

145. Sensationalism.

146. Naturalism.

147. Pantheism.

148. Liberalism.

149. Other doctrines.

150. Psychology.

152. Physiological and experimental.

153. Intelligence.

154. Subconscious states.

155. Differential and genetic psychology.

156. Comparative psychology.

157. Abnormal and clinical psychology.

158. Applied psychology.

159. Miscellaneous.

160. Logic.

161. Induction.

162. Deduction.


164. Symbolic and mathematical logic.

165. Fallacies and sources of error.

166. Syllogism.

167. Hypothesis.

168. Argument and persuasion.

169. Analogy.

170. Ethics (Moral Philosophy).

171. Systems and doctrines.

172. Ethics of political relationships.

173. Ethics of family relationships.

174. Professional and occupational ethics.

175. Ethics of recreation.

176. Sexual ethics.

177. Ethics of social relations.

178. Ethics of temperance.

179. Miscellaneous.

180. Ancient, Medieval Oriental Philosophy.

181. Oriental.

182. Pre-Socratic.

183. Sophistic, Socratic and related.

184. Platonic.

185. Aristotelian.

186. Skeptic and Neoplatonic.

187. Epicurean.

188. Stoic.

189. Medieval western.

190. Modern Western Philosophy.

191. U.S. and Canada.

192. British Isles.

193. Germany and Austria.

194. France.

195. Italy.

196. Spain and Portugal.

197. Russia and Finland.

198. Scandinavia.

199. Other.

200 Religion.

201. Philosophy of Christianity.

202. Miscellaneous Christianity.

203. Dictionaries of Christianity.


205. Serial publications on Christianity.

206. Organizations on Christianity.

207. Study of Christianity.

208. Collections on Christianity.

209. History and geography of Christianity.

210. Natural Religion.

211. Knowledge of God.

212. Nature of God.

213. Creation.

214. Theodicy.

215. Science and religion.

216. Good and evil.

217. Worship and prayer.

218. Immortality and eternity.

219. Analogy.

220. Bible.

221. Old Testament.

222. Historical books.

223. Poetic books.

224. Prophetic books.

225. New Testament.

226. Gospel and Acts.

227. Epistles.

228. Book of Revelation.

229. Apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, etc.

230. Christian Doctrinal Theology.

231. God, Trinity, Godhead.

232. Jesus Christ and his family.

233. Man.

234. Salvation.

235. Invisible world.

236. Eschatology.

238. Creeds and confessions of faith.

239. Apologetics and polemics.

240. Christian, Moral Devotional Theology.

241. Moral theology.

242. Prayers and meditations.

243. Evangelistic writings.

245. Hymns.

246. Symbolism.

247. Sacred things.

248. Personal religion.

249. Worship in family life.

250. Christian, Pastoral, Parochial.

251. Preaching.

252. Sermons.

253. Pastor.

254. Parish government and administration.

255. Religious congregation and orders.

258. Parochial welfare work.

259. Miscellaneous.

260. Christian, Social Theological.

261. Social theology.

262. Church government.

263. Times of religious observance.

264. Public worship.

265. Other rites and ceremonies.

266. Missions.

267. Associations for religious work.

268. Religious training and instruction.

269. Organized spiritual renewal.

270. History Geography of the Christian Church.

271. Religious congregations and orders.

272. Persecutions.

273. Heresies.

274. Christian church in Europe.

275. Christian church in Asia.

276. Christian church in Africa.

277. Christian church in North America.

278. Christian church in South America.

279. Christian church elsewhere.

280. Christian Denominations Sects.

281. Primitive and Oriental churches.

282. Roman Catholic Church.

283. Anglican church.

284. Protestants of Continental origin.

285. Presbyterian and American Reformation churches.

286. Baptist, Disciples of Christ, Adventists.

287. Methodists.

288. Unitarianism.

289. Other denominations.

290. Other Religions.

291. Comparative religions.

292. Early Greek and Roman religions.

293. Germanic religions.

294. Brahmanism and related religions.

295. Zoroastrianism.

296. Judaism.

297. Islam.

299. Other religions.

300. Social Science.

301-309. Sociology.

310. Statistical Methods.

311. Statistical methods.

312. Statistics of populations.

314. General statistics of Europe.

315. General statistics of Asia.

316. General statistics of Africa.

317. General statistics of North America, World Almanac.

318. General statistics of South America.

319. General statistics of the rest of the world.

320. Political Science.

321. Types forms of states.

322. Relation of state to organized groups.

323. Relation of state to individuals.

324. Suffrage.

325. Immigration.

326. Slavery and emancipation.

327. International relations.

328. Legislation.

329. Practical politics.

330. Economics.

331. Work.

332. Money, investing, stock market.

333. Land, real estate.

334. Cooperative systems.

335. Collectivist systems and schools.

336. Public finance, taxes.

338. Production, corporations.

339. Distribution and consumption.

340. Law.

341. International law.

342. Constitutional law.

343. Criminal law.

344. Martial law.

345. United States statutes and cases.

346. Domestic law, estate, divorces, etc.

347. Private law and judicial system.

349. Statutes and cases not United States or British.

350. Public Administration.

351. Central governments.

352. Local governments.

353. United States federal and state governments.

354. Other central governments.

355. Military administration.

356. Foot forces, army, marines, etc.

357. Mounted forces.

358. Armored, technical, air, space.

359. Navy.

360. Welfare Association.

361. Organization of social welfare.

362. Services to special groups.

363. Other services.

364. Criminology.

365. Prison system.

366. Association.

367. Social clubs.

368. Insurance.

369. Other associations.

370. Education.

371. The school.

372. Elementary education.

373. Secondary education.

374. Adult education.

375. Curriculums.

376. Education of women.

377. Schools and religion.

378. College and university.

379. Government involvement in education.

380. Commerce.

381. Internal commerce, shopping, mail order, etc.

382. International commerce.

383. Postal communications.

384. Communications, TV, internet, etc.

385. Railroad transportation.

386. Inland waterway transportation.

387. Water, air, space transportation.

388. Ground transportation.

389. Meteorology and standardization.

390. Customs Folklore.

391. Costume.

392. Life customs.

393. Death customs.

394. Public and social customs.

395. Etiquette.

398. Folklore.

399. Customs of war.

400. Languages

400. Language

401. Philosophy and theory.

402. Miscellaneous.

403. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.

405. Serial publications.

406. Organizations.

407. Study and teaching.

408. Collections and anthologies.

409. Historical and geographical treatments.

410. Linguistics Nonverbal Language.

411. Notations.

412. Etymology.

413. Polyglot dictionaries.

414. Phonology.

415. Structural systems.

416. Prosody.

417. Dialectology and paleography.

418. Usage (applied linguistics).

419. Nonverbal language.

420. English Anglo-Saxon.

421. Written and spoken English.

422. English etymology.

423. English dictionaries.

425. English structural system.

426. English prosody.

427. Nonstandard English.

428. Standard English usage.

429. Anglo-Saxon (Old English).

430. Germanic Languages.

431. Written and spoken German.

432. German etymology.

433. German dictionaries.

435. German structural system.

436. German prosody.

437. Nonstandard German.

438. Standard German usage.

439. Other Germanic languages.

440. French, Provencal, Chatelaine.

441. Written and spoken French.

442. French etymology.

443. French dictionaries.

445. French structural system.

446. French prosody.

447. Nonstandard French.

448. Standard French usage.

449. Provencal and Chatelaine.

450. Italian, Romanian, Etc.

451. Written and spoken Italian.

452. Italian etymology.

453. Italian dictionaries.

455. Italian structural system.

456. Italian prosody.

457. Nonstandard Italian.

458. Standard Italian usage.

459. Romanian and Rhaeto-Romanic.

460. Spanish Portuguese.

461. Written and spoken Spanish.

462. Spanish etymology.

463. Spanish dictionaries.

465. Spanish structural system.

466. Spanish prosody.

467. Nonstandard Spanish.

468. Standard Spanish usage.

469. Portuguese.

470. Italic Languages.

471. Written and spoken Latin.

472. Latin etymology.

473. Latin dictionaries.

475. Latin structural system.

476. Latin prosody.

477. Postclassical Latin.

478. Standard Latin usage.

479. Romance languages.

480. Classical Greek.

481. Written and spoken classical Greek.

482. Classical Greek etymology.

483. Classical Greek dictionaries.

485. Classical Greek structural system.

486. Classical Greek prosody.

487. Postclassical Classical Greek.

488. Standard classical Greek usage.

489. Other Greek languages.

490. Other Languages.

491. East Indo-European and Celtic.

492. Semitic languages.

493. Hamitic and other languages.

494. Ural-Altaic, Dravidian, etc.

495. East and southeast Asian languages.

496. African languages.

497. North American Indian languages.

498. South American Indian languages.

499. Austrnesian and other languages.

500. Pure Sciences.

500. Pure Sciences.

501. Philosophy and theory.

502. Miscellaneous.

503. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.

505. Serial publications.

506. Organizations.

507. Study and teaching.

508. Collections, travels, surveys.

509. Historical and geographical treatments.

510. Mathematics.

511. Arithmetic.

512. Algebra.

513. Synthetic geometry.

514. Trigonometry.

515. Descriptive geometry.

516. Analytical geometry.

517. Calculus.

519. Probability and statistics.

520. Astronomy Related Sciences.

521. Theoretical astronomy.

522. Practical astronomy.

523. Descriptive astronomy.

525. Earth (Astronomical geography).

526. Mathematical geography.

527. Celestial navigation.

528. Nautical almanacs.

529. Chronology.

530. Physics.

531. Mechanics.

532. Mechanics of fluids.

533. Mechanics of gases.

534. Sound and related vibrations.

535. Light.

536. Heat.

537. Electricity.

538. Magnetism.

539. Modern physics.

540. Chemistry Related Sciences.

541. Physical and theoretical chemistry.

542. Laboratories and equipment.

543. General analytical chemistry.

544. Qualitative analytical chemistry.

545. Quantitative analytical chemistry.

546. Inorganic chemistry.

547. Organic chemistry.

548. Crystallography.

549. Mineralogy.

550. Earth Sciences.

551. Physical and dynamic geology.

552. Petrology.

553. Economic geology.

554. Geology of Europe.

555. Geology of Asia.

556. Geology of Africa.

557. Geology of North America.

558. Geology of South America.

559. Geology of the rest of the world.

560. Paleontology.

561. Paleobotany.

562. Invertebrate paleozoology.

563. Protozoa, Parazoa, Metazoa.

564. Mollusca and molluscoidea.

565. Other invertebrates.

566. Vertebrate paleozoology.

567. Fish, etc.

568. Reptiles and birds.

569. Mammals.

570. Anthropology Biological Sciences.

572. Human races (ethnology).

573. Somatology (physical anthropology).

574. Biology.

575. Organic evolution.

576. Microbiology.

577. General properties of living matter.

578. Microscopes.

579. Collection and preservation of specimens.

580. Botanical Sciences.

581. Botany.

582. Spermatopha.

583. Dicotyledons.

584. Monocotyledones.

585. Gymnospermae.

586. Cryptogamia.

587. Pteridophyta.

588. Bryopphhyta.

589. Thallophyta.

590. Zoological Sciences.

591. Zoology.

592. Invertebrates.

593. Protozoa, Parazoa, Metazoa.

594. Mollusca and molluscoidea.

595. Other invertebrates.

596. Vertebrates.

597. Fish, etc.

598. Reptiles and birds.

599. Mammals.

600 Practical Things/ Applied Sciences.

600. Applied Sciences.

601. Philosophy and theory.

602. Miscellaneous.

603. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.

605. Serial publications.

606. Organizations.

607. Study and teaching.

608. Collections, patents, etc.

609. Historical and geographical treatments.

610. Medical Sciences.

611. Human anatomy.

612. Human physiology.

613. Hygiene.

614. Public health.

615. Therapeutics and pharmacology.

616. Medicine.

617. Surgery, heart attacks, cancer, etc.

618. Specialized medicine, childbirth.

619. Comparative and experimental medicine.

620. Engineering.

621. Applied physics.

622. Mining engineering.

623. Military and naval engineering.

624. Civil engineering.

625. Railroads and highways.

627. Hydraulic engineering.

628. Sanitary and municipal engineering.

629. Car books.

630. Agriculture.

631. Farming.

632. Plant science.

633. Field crops.

634. Orchards, small fruit, forestry.

635. Horticulture, garden crops.

636. Livestock and domestic animals.

637. Dairy and related industries.

638. Insect culture.

639. Nondomesticated animals.

640. Household Stuff.

641. Food and drink.

642. Food and meal service.

643. Home improvement.

644. Household utilities.

645. Household furnishings.

646. Clothing, cosmetics, love, family issues.

647. Housekeeping.

648. Household sanitation.

649. Child rearing, home nursing.

650. Business Related.

651. Office services.

652. Writing.

653. Shorthand.

655. Printing and related activities.

657. Accounting.

658. Management, mail order, advertising, grants.

659. Miscellaneous.

660. Chemical Technology.

661. Industrial chemicals.

662. Explosives, fuels, etc.

663. Drinks, stimulants, etc.

664. Food technology.

665. Industrial oils, fats, gases.

666. Ceramic and allied industries.

667. Cleaning, color and related.

668. Other organic products.

669. Metallurgy.

670. Manufactures Processible.

671. Metal manufactures

672. Ferrous metals manufactures.

673. Nonferrous metals manufactures.

674. Lumber, cork, wood-using industries.

675. Leather and fur industries.

676. Pulp and paper industries.

677. Textiles.

678. Elastomers and their products.

679. Other products.

680. Assembled Products.

681. Precision instruments.

682. Small forge work.

683. Hardware, guns.

684. Furniture.

685. Leather goods.

687. Clothing.

688. Other products.

690. Building Houses, Etc.

691. Materials.

692. Construction practices.

693. Systems of construction.

694. Wood construction.

695. Roofing and auxiliary structures.

696. Plumbing, heating, ventilating.

697. Heating, Solar.

698. Detail finishing.

700. The Arts.

700. The Arts.

701. Philosophy and theory.

702. Miscellaneous.

703. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.

704. Collections, iconography.

705. Serial publications.

706. Organizations.

707. Study and teaching.

708. Galleries, museums, etc.

709. Historical and geographical treatments.

710. Civic Landscape Art.

711. Area planning (Civic art).

712. Landscape.

713. Landscape design of trafficways.

714. Water in landscape design.

715. Woody plants in landscape design.

716. Herbaceous plants in design.

717. Structures in landscape design.

718. Landscape design of cemeteries.

719. Natural landscapes.

720. Architecture.

721. Architectural construction.

722. Ancient.

723. Medieval.

724. Modern.

725. Public structures.

726. Religious buildings.

727. Educational buildings.

728. Residential buildings.

729. Design and decoration.

730. Sculpture the Plastic Arts.

731. Processes of sculpture.

732. Ancient nonclassical sculpture.

733. Ancient classical sculpture.

734. Medieval sculpture.

735. Modern sculpture.

736. Carving.

737. Coin and money collecting.

738. Ceramic arts.

739. Art metalwork.

740. Drawing the Decorative Arts.

741. Freehand drawing.

742. Perspective.

743. Freehand drawing by subject.

744. Technical drawing.

745. Design and crafts.

746. Textile handicrafts, i.e. sewing.

747. Interior decoration.

748. Glass.

749. Furniture and accessories.

750. Painting Paintings.

751. Processes and forms.

752. Color theory and practice.

753. Abstractions, mythology, etc.

754. Subjects of everyday life.

755. Religious.

756. Historical events.

757. Human figures.

758. Other subjects.

759. Historical and geographical treatments.

760. Graphic Arts.

761. Relief processes for prints.

763. Lithographic processes.

764. Chromolithography and serigraphy.

765. Metal intaglio processes.

766. Mezzotinting, etc. processes.

767. Etching an drypoint processes.

769. Prints.

770. Photography.

771. Equipment, supplies, chemistry.

772. Metallic salt processes.

773. Pigment processes of printing.

778. Specific fields of photography.

779. Collections of photographs.

780. Music.

781. General principles.

782. Dramatic music.

783. Sacred music.

784. Vocals.

785. Instrumental music.

786. Keyboard instruments.

787. String instruments.

788. Wind instruments.

789. Percussion, mechanical, electrical instruments.

790. Recreation.

791. Public entertainment.

792. Stage theater.

793. Indoor games and amusements.

794. Indoor games of skill.

795. Games of chance.

796. Outdoor sports.

797. Water and air sports.

798. Equestrian and animal sports.

799. Fishing, hunting, shooting.

800 Literature.

800 Literature.

801. Philosophy and theory.

802. Miscellaneous.

803. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.

805. Serial publications.

806. Organizations.

807. Study and teaching.

808. Books for writers.

809. History and criticism.

810. American Literature.

811. Poetry.

812. Drama.

813. Fiction.

814. Essays.

815. Speeches.

816. Letters.

817. Satire and humor.

818. Miscellaneous.

820. British Literature.

821. Poetry.

822. Drama.

823. Fiction.

824. Essays.

825. Speeches.

826. Letters.

827. Satire and humor.

828. Miscellaneous.

829. Anglo-Saxon.

830. Germanic Literature.

831. Poetry.

832. Drama.

833. Fiction.

834. Essays.

835. Speeches.

836. Letters.

837. Satire and humor.

838. Miscellaneous.

839. Other German languages.

840. French Literature.

841. Poetry.

842. Drama.

843. Fiction.

844. Essays.

845. Speeches.

846. Letters.

847. Satire and humor.

848. Miscellaneous.

849. Provencal and Chatelaine.

850. Italian Romanian Literature.

851. Poetry.

852. Drama.

853. Fiction.

854. Essays.

855. Speeches.

856. Letters.

857. Satire and humor.

858. Miscellaneous.

859. Romanian literature.

860. Spanish Portuguese Literature.

861. Poetry.

862. Drama.

863. Fiction.

864. Essays.

865. Speeches.

866. Letters.

867. Satire and humor.

868. Miscellaneous.

869. Portuguese literature.

870. Italic Literature.

871. Poetry.

872. Drama.

873. Fiction.

874. Lyric poetry.

875. Speeches.

876. Letters.

877. Satire and humor.

878. Miscellaneous.

879. Other Italic languages.

880. Classical Greek Literature.

881. Poetry.

882. Drama.

883. Fiction.

884. Lyric poetry.

885. Speeches.

886. Letters.

887. Satire and humor.

888. Miscellaneous.

889. Modern Greek.

890. Literature of Other Cultures.

891. East Indo-European and Celtic.

892. Semitic.

893. Hamitic, etc.

894. Ural-Altaic, Dravidian, etc.

895. Asian.

896. African.

897. North American Indian.

898. South American Indian.

899. Australian-Pacific.

900. Geography History.

900. Geography History.

901. Philosophy and theory of history.

902. Miscellaneous general history.

903. Dictionaries, encyclopedias of history.

904. Travel and tourism.

905. Serial publications of history.

906. Organizations of history.

907. Study and teaching of history.

908. Collections of history.

909. World history.

910. General Geography.

911. Historical geography.

912. Atlases, maps, etc.

913. Geography of ancient world.

914. Geography of modern Europe.

915. Geography of modern Asia.

916. Geography of modern Africa.

917. Geography of North America.

918. Geography of South America.

919. Geography of the rest of the world.

920-929. General Biography.

930. Genealogy.

930. General History of the Ancient World.

931. China.

932. Egypt.

933. Palestine.

934. India.

935. Mesopotamia, Iranian plateau.

936. Northern and western Europe.

937. Italian peninsula.

938. Greece.

939. Other parts of the ancient world.

940. General History of Modern Europe.

941. Scotland and Ireland.

942. British Isles.

943. Central Europe.

944. France.

945. Italy.

946. Iberian peninsula.

947. Eastern Europe.

948. Scandinavia.

949. Other parts of Europe.

950. General History of Modern Asia.

951. China.

952. Japan.

953. Arabian peninsula.

954. South Asia.

955. Iran.

956. Middle East.

957. Siberia.

958. Central Asia.

959. Southeast Asia.

960. General History of Modern Africa.

961. North Africa.

962. Egypt and Sudan.

963. Ethiopia.

964. Northwest coast.

965. Algeria.

966. West Africa.

967. Central.

968. South Africa.

969. South Indian Ocean Islands.

970. General History of North America.

971. Canada.

972. Middle America.

973. United States.

974. Northeast states.

975. Southeast states.

976. South central states.

977. North central states.

978. Western states.

979. Caribbean, Pacific.

980. General History of South America.

981. Brazil.

982. Argentina.

983. Chile.

984. Bolivia.

985. Peru.

986. Northwestern.

987. Venezuela.

988. Guyana.

989. Other parts.

990. General History of the Rest of the World.

991. Malay Archipelago.

992. Sunda Islands.

993. New Zealand.

994. Australia.

995. New Guinea.

996. Pacific.

997. Atlantic Ocean islands.

998. Arctic.

999. Antarctic.

Find the Dewey Decimal Number for any Topic, type your subject in the search engine.

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