College is a Fantasy Next to the Real World
College was so much fun for me. I think it was because I was interested in the material. It was all easy for me. Everyone else was studying hard and I was relaxed.
It's a state of being. Love your life, love what you do. You can memorize anything. Organize it in simple, manageable packets of info.
Everything was easy for me because it was all fun. I worked hard because I loved what I was doing. It wasn't work for me. My youth in college was fun. There was no stress. Love what you do.
This is the only time in your life when you are going to be around lots of sexy young people.
College should be fun for anybody with any intelligence.
Have fun learning what you're naturally interested in. That's pretty well as good as it gets for most people, to go to college to study something you're naturally interested in.
It should be easy.
Look at the alternative, people working average jobs doing the same thing everyday.
If you're lucky enough to have the money and/ or the intelligence to be in college, that's like a fantasy world next to the real world.
Never mind the fact that even with several college degrees, you will end up working a routine, generic job like everyone else, so what. Enjoy college now while you're doing it. There should be nothing in college that is that hard to learn.
The Psychology of the Average College Student
You're probably living a comfortable life at high school where you're well-respected and have friends then you go to college and you're just another generic, average student who is not popular like you were at home. Relax. Everyone else is like you. You have to put yourself out there if you want to make friends, do fun things and enjoy the ride.
The average 18 year old is massively brainwashed. He has no idea of who he is in his true nature. He's trying to achieve success by society's formula which is college.
Many kids go to college not even knowing that there are no jobs for many of the social science fields. They think that if the college offers it as a major, there must be a job waiting at the end. This is so stupid.
Most 18 year-olds are self-centered. They think they're special because they're going to college then they go home and try to act scholarly like those nerdy professors they've been listening to for the past four months. The problem is that most professors are nerds living in a fantasy world. They didn't have the guts or the strength to live life on their own terms. They're hiding out in a college. It's not the real world of how to make money and pursue your real dreams.
Very few 18 year olds have some true vision of who they want to be in life. They have no focus in life. I always saw myself as a strong, vital man. That's why I lifted weights all my life starting at about 15. For me, it is one of my archetypes. It earns me self-respect and makes me feel good.
The average 18 year old is eating piles of junk food and experimenting with drugs and alcohol.
He or she is horny all the time but still feels self-conscious about masturbating.
It's a big mess of false bravado and insecurity.
Most girls need friends. Most want a boyfriend so they're feeling lonely if they don't have anybody close.
A lot of guys are insecure because they look like nerds (don't watch diet or exercise) and aren't sure they'll pass their classes.
A lot of college students look like crap because they don't do hard physical activities or watch their diet plus they're mildly depressed because of feeling alone and worrying about getting good grades.
Everybody wants to appear cool to others. Girls obsess with their weight and having enough fashionable clothes to have a different look everytime they go to class. There are a lot of eating disorders among college girls. There are a lot of female smokers too, thinking it helps keep them skinny.
When you get homesick, say to yourself it's my life. This the way it will be from now on, me going out into the world by myself. Your friends back home are moving on too.
I got homesick once then realized everybody in that college town is a transient from somewhere else. Your life is a mix of pursuing what you want and finding some friends doing the same things you are to have some fun with along the way.
When I was in Gainesville, Florida, some local saw the license plate of my car from Canada and asked if it was tough being away from home. I told him home is where I hang my hat. It's a state of being. I'm happy within myself because I honor my true nature. People like me don't get lonely or depressed. We live to honor who we were born to be by nature. It's kind of like my religion. I will release this energy God put into me. Nothing besides this means much to me. It's great for mental health. I'm always inspired. If you think you're special, prove it to yourself by doing something tough everyday like me. Screw the wimps. Answer to yourself. The world is your oyster if you know what's really important.
Intrinsic Thirst For Knowledge? Most People Are Mooks Not Artists of Life
Don't go to college to study something just for the money because if you work a job ding something you're not interested in, your life will be anywhere from dull to horrible.
Most kids in college don't really care about learning knowledge for its own sake. They just want good marks., Albert Jay Nock on teaching college students.
College Life One-Liners
I say don't go to college unless you will study a bonafide skill like physiotherapy or law. The social sciences don't cut it. Most of those degrees are useless for a good job even at the Phd level. Those fields, in my opinion, are a big lie.
Live by your own standard. Don't listen to the crowd, other people, even the professors. Many are just average human beings doing a generic teaching job which is not what winners in life do. Winners in life do their own thing. They don't shovel meaningless garbage and call it education.
Don't fall for peer pressure just because you feel lonely. Follow your true nature.
Don't bug your parents about how hard it is and how lonely you are. It's your life. Live it.
Don't move to the ghetto for the cheap rent. Pay a few bucks more to avoid the risk of getting robbed.
Tell helicopter parents that you'll be fine. You want them to stay away so you can develop on your own.
Many people get homesick. I say get homesick for what - to go back to the same boring place you wanted to leave. Your whole life will be about you alone. Get used to it.
Get a good laptop with a tracking device so you can track it if it's stolen. Get an extrenal hard drive and always back everything up on two different external devices, a hard drive and a flash drive.
Don't post stupid pictures of yourself getting drunk. My advice is don't get a facebook profile. Get a website using your name as a domain if possible. I got a free website from
College is the land of decent people and the land of creeps just like in the real world. Your fellow college students are potential scumbags just like anywhere. Rapists and thieves target college campuses for prey.
I say do the first half of your degree with online courses while working a job then go to college for the last half of your courses.
Professors are often overrated egomaniacs. Do what you're told and you should get a good mark without having to suck up.
Consider community college to save some money.
Don't be racist or act like a bully.
Look around the college website and get on their twitter account so you'll know when things happen like classes are cancelled.
I think the college dorms for undergrads are big cesspools of immaturity and insecurity. If they offer apartments, get one but try to avoid the dorm where you get a room and a shared bathroom down the hall. The problem is that people feel they can barge in anytime and waste two hours of your time. Some people like dorms because you have an automatic social life regardless of whether you want it or not.
You can't trust people. Lock your dorm room when you leave. Put security features on your valuables.
Once you leave home then go back at Christmas, remember that life goes on. They will have already moved on with you absent. It's no big deal.
College is About Networking
You can make friends in college that can last for life.
Make friends in your field and you can help each other later on in the work world.
Get to know at least two to three professors because you will need reference letters when applying for grad school or a job.
Everybody at college is a bit scared and insecure because you are alone with thousands of other people. People try not to show it but it's true. Some people make a few friends and muckle onto them but as soon as you leave that comfort zone to go to a new class in a different building, you're alone again. Be cool, open-minded and friendly.
There is no shame in living in a residence hall, dorm or fraternity for the first few years at college because you have ready friends there living all around you. The problem with dorm-living is that some people socialize all the time. They hang around together doing nothing. I did this for awhile but I soon started doing my own thing.
If you live in an apartment, there is a chance you will never socialize with any of your neighbors.
There is a learning curve to living with other people as in sharing a house or apartment. You get cynical real fast. People will take your food, invade your privacy and might even steal your money. If you live with two or more roommates who bring friends in and something gets stolen, everyone can deny it.
This is your opportunity to learn about what other people are really like. I went to a military college where I learned that you will only ever meet a few people with truly good hearts. Most people are selfish to evil pretending to be good. Everybody thinks they're good.
When I first went to a civilian college, I tried some stupid things like ballroom dancing. At least I tried things because I wanted to explore my life. I eventually settled on the few things I really like to do.
Do the few things you want to do. If you want to lift weights, go to the gym everyday.
The easiest way to meet people is to take on a retail or clerk job on campus.
Make Friends at College
Make new friends but keep the old.
You can never have too many friends.
Young people are scared at college. So is everybody else. People come from all over, the little towns in your province or state, different parts of your country and from other countries.
I was a research assistant one time, doing silly psychology experiments on undergrad students, one student at a time which they got credit for. I soon realized that they had students there from everywhere with all the different types of personalities you could imagine.
This is the one place in life you are going to be with all these different young people. You might as well try to socialize to get a piece of that action. Don't just focus on studying. Focus on meeting likeminded people for the experience of it.
In the first year or so, people try to hang onto the friends from their hometown but everybody picks a different major and has different interests so by the third year, they're gone. It's just you.
I made friends by trying to be a decent guy wherever I was and I was heavily into athletics where I made friends from all over and all walks of life. I worked out at the college gym and at the YMCA. Real weightlifters as opposed to pansies and wimps have a kinship separate from everyone else because we know we're tough guys in the primal sense.
Don't make a big deal about it. If you're really interested in something, do it like join the radio station or play in the marching band but don't force it. Within ten years, you will have forgotten everyone's names except for your few true friends.
Some people have no time to socialize. I knew a few who attended college fulltime and worked near fulltime hours.
There is no sin in going to social functions and parties to see what's goin' on. The truth is that it's a bunch of loners and insecure people like you wanting to see what's goin' on too so everyone is lookin' at each other trying to be cool. It's the best system we got for meeting people unless you're cool enough to meet people on the street.
I worked out at the gym everyday. The other people who did this as opposed to the people who worked out sporadically soon got to recognize each other and they became my friends.
We used to work out then go out and drink and get high. The gym closed at ten. Tom, Fred, Roland, me and a few others would go straight to a bar and catch a buzz. It was crazy but fun, workin' out then getting high. I could say it was a period of life I remember with deep fondness because it only happens once and if you don't have fun, you miss your chance.
The fraternities I visited didn't impress me. The guys had to pay high dues to live in cheap, small rooms. They were always drinking and smoking dope when I went there. It's like 20 or more guys living in a house. The peer pressure must be incredible.
There is no in-crowd at college because it's always changing. Everything is transient, even the professors. The fakers acting all popular and connected are insecure. They act hot with their little group but once they're away from them, they're as scared as anyone.
I saw it in one guy who I knew in the psychology department then one day when I saw him in a crowd waiting for a class at the college of education, he was so nervous. I figured it out. He wasn't with his little group of friends so the guy acting like he was the big in-crowd dude at the psychology department was just another insecure guy trying to get through once he left the social science building.
Most people are looking for a friend.
At college, I made friends by being a nice guy. I made friends at the weight room, went to the socials at the college of education which was mostly a handful of guys and a few girls who mostly drank beer and smoked dope but you could network through it to meet other people if you wanted.
I made some casual friends with the people I went to school with, the people I actually sat in classes with but my real friends were the people in the weight room, mostly guys. Discover what you like and go there to do it.
Twenty years later, you won't remember the names of most people you went to school with but you'll remember the few people you shared time with, usually in a hobby or sport you were involved in, some fun times goin' out to party which is normal for a young person and the profound talks which are quite common in college.
After college, it's all about function. You don't have those deep, meaningless intellectual conversations anymore that can't help you earn money.
Go to social events, make small talk anywhere, get a campus job and otherwise be a nice, friendly person.
Nowadays they got facebook and chat rooms, etc. which I don't use because to me it's not the real world like being somewhere on campus.
The truth is that the college friendships like you see in movies are largely a fantasy. Many people work a job while going to college fulltime. There is not a lot of time to hang around and socialize.
The fraternies and sororities I've been in as a guest are nothing special. They were just guys and girls who felt they wanted or needed friends so they got together to live in this building and call themselves an organization. You can waste a lot of time hangin' with your fraternity or sorority mates doing nothing much while you could be studying.
It's your choice but ultimately everybody's a loner anyway. They call it existential loneliness. You walk alone either pursuing your vision or following the indoctrination all around you.
Making friends at college is only a small part of the agenda. Maybe some rich kid with parents who pay for everything can go to college for the social life but the real world is hard. You have to compete just to get into a grad school. You have to get your priorities straight. You won't be a great student if you spend your nights hangin' around, talkin' about nothing in particular.
College is fine for a young person to try to discover his or her true identity by learning about the world. While you're doing that, keep your eye on the only prize that matters to you at that point in time in the world; the credential that will take you one step closer to a good job.
If you feel lonely, volunteer somewhere, get a job or an internship.
Your so-called friends won't be there after you all get your undergrad degrees. The only thing that matters is to get into grad school or wherever else you might wanna go.
Make Friends at College Websites, how to make friends at college, virtual student union bars, how to make friends as a nontrad student.,
making friends in college how did you make most of your friends in college? i am finding it difficult to make as many friends as i would like to have., how to make friends in college?, make friends.
College Student Health Insurance/ College Medical Services
Some colleges have a "health fee" for fulltime students. This covers your possible use of campus medical services.
Some colleges have no requirement for their students to have health insurance except for foreign students from other countries.
Some colleges have school-sponsored student health insurance plans that you can probably buy at the student health services office and the college bookstore. If they don't have a college sponsored plan, there will be some insurance company set up either at the bookstore or advertising in the college newspaper.
If you're 24 and under, you can stay on your parent's plan. This would increase their bill but it's cheaper than getting your own insurance policy.
If one of your parents has a Health Savings Account, he or she might be able to use that money for your medical treatments.
Some universities offer a discounted health care plan for full time students.
Most universities offer a clinic for students on routine check ups and minor health problems.
See if your job offers any health benefits.
There are limited health insurance plans with high deductibles.
Most college-age people are fairly healthy so the major use of health insurance is for accidents.
Some colleges require only fulltime students as opposed to parttime students to carry health insurance.
Go to your college website and type in health insurance.
Because college students are considered young and healthy as a group, a health insurance plan should be cheap., american college health assn. health and travel insurance programs for international students worldwide., article about health insurance., california., graduate student health insurance.
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